I came across The Youth Cash a few weeks ago and made a note to do a review. However, when I got around to starting the review and clicked on the link to The Youth Cash site, I found the site no longer existed.
Intrigued, I started to research and I found that the site seems to be part of a network of many sites. One of which is The Monthly Payouts, this site is still working! This review will be about my experience with this website and how this network of sites work.
As these programs are all free to join and there are no adverts on the different websites, how do they actually make money? Or are they just trying to waste our time?
Let’s take a closer look to find the answers.
Product: The Monthly Payouts
Overall Ranking: 0 out of 100 or 0/5 stars
Price: Free
Owner: Unknown
Website: http://themonthlypayouts.com/
What is The Youth Cash and The Monthly Payouts?
These programs are link posting schemes where you are promised good rewards if people click on your affiliate links. These 2 sites are part of a group of sites that operate in the same way.
Here are a few of the sites that seem to belong to the same network, there are many more:
- jobrize.com
- theyouthjob.com
- payfortask.com
- shareninvite.com
- parttimepayment.com
- moneyandtask.com
- getpaid4duty.com
- youth2payment.com
- payforyouth.com
- done4job.com
- monthlyyouth.com
Some of these sites seem to be no longer online while others redirect to substitutes. For example, when I Googled jobrize.com and clicked on the link, I was redirected first to youthjob.com then payfortask.com then shareninvite.com, and finally to a site that was still operational parttimepayment.com.
Who is this for?
Although these websites may say they are for students, the unemployed, or for anyone who can use the internet, the truth is you shouldn’t waste your time with these sites. You won’t earn any money!
Signing Up 
Decidedly with these programs, everything seems a little strange. The sign-up form asks for the usual things username, password, email, then your address, and finally your name to make the cheque payable to you.
I didn’t fill in my address or name for the cheque but was still allowed to complete the sign-up process. Why they might need this additional information I don’t know, especially when they have a notice at the top of the page “bi-weekly payments through PayPal or Swift bank wire transfer”.
How this is meant to work
After logging in to your account, you are re-directed to your account area. This is a very simple web page with your affiliate link and your earnings.
The good news is your account has been credited with $25 for signing up, followed by the bad news that you have to reach $300 in your account before you can cash out.
Although I had only just received my affiliate link and hadn’t posted it anywhere I had apparently had 217 visits. At the same time, my account was only credited with $5 for 1 unique visit. Doesn’t really make much sense!
The Monthly Payouts claim you will be paid $5 for every person who clicks your affiliate link. Some of the other programs have or had different amounts per click The Youth Cash was $10 per click and Part-Time Payment is $1 per click.
All that sounds too good to be true, $5 or $10 just for someone clicking your link, if only it was that easy to earn money online!
To attract visitors to your links you are recommended to post your affiliate link on forums, chat rooms, blogs, blog comments, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, paid to click sites, and classified adverts. With these methods, you will be recognized as a spammer and soon be banned from many of these platforms.
How do these websites earn money?
What had me perplexed was why are they running these sites? There is no fee to sign-up, there are no adverts on their site and I haven’t even had any emails from them trying to encourage me to sign-up for other programs. So what benefit do they get out of it?
The answer is when you get to the payout threshold they will give you surveys or offers to complete before you can get your payment. This sounds enticing, complete a survey, or an offer to get your money, so you would probably continue.
The Monthly Payouts or The Youth Cash companies will be paid for these surveys and offers, but you will receive absolutely nothing.
Obviously, they can’t pay you as they promise, they are probably only receiving a dollar or two for the survey or offers.
All the clicks you receive will bring new members to the site, who in turn will post their affiliate links and in the end will complete the surveys or offers. So, if they attract enough new members these sites can earn a little money.
A couple of other aspects to be worried about:
- They might sell your data to a third party
- Some have said they found malware on their computers after joining these sites. I did a scan with Malwarebytes and it did find some malware, I don’t think it’s anything too serious but I hate programs that install stuff on my computer
Pros and Cons
- Free to join
- They don’t pay
- Waste of time
- You don’t know what they will do with your personal information
- You will refer others to this scam and waste their time
Not surprisingly there are 100s of complaints to be found, about the different programs. Of course, the main complaint is about not being paid but some also complain of receiving lots of spam emails.
Here are some of the complaints about this network of sites.
After reaching the payout threshold you have to complete a survey to get your money.
Receiving spam and phone calls after giving details.
Having to complete a survey and offers to receive your money
My final opinion
This is another scam, it may not cost you any money but it will waste your time. Also, you will give your personal details so you will be open to receiving loads of junk mail and some members have reportedly experienced phone calls trying to sell things.
These websites don’t seem to stay online very long, they are frequently changing names and from time to time they change the look of the site.
If you value your time don’t fall for programs that offer to pay outrageous amounts for clicks on a link. Analyze how they could afford to pay this much for a simple click. It’s impossible! Consider the sites that actually pay like Clixsense, you often receive as little as $0.001 for clicking a link. This is a long way from $5 or $10 promised by The Youth Cash or The Monthly Payouts programs.
Verdict: Scam
Is it possible to earn money online?
Yes, it is possible, although with all the scams you see, sometimes you might become disillusioned. I think it’s important to remember earning money on the internet is just like any other work. To be successful you must put in the effort and success won’t arrive overnight.
However, if you are willing to work, are patient, and determined you will earn money online. It took me 6 months before I achieved my first sale but now I have a regular income every month.
I am sure you’re wondering how this is possible. The answer for me was by creating an affiliate marketing business. When I started I didn’t know the first thing about affiliate marketing, so I joined a training platform that teaches you how to create an online business from the foundations of creating your website onwards.
The training platform is called Wealthy Affiliate, you can see some of what they offer below. If you think you might be interested check it out, it’s free to join!
Thanks for reading my The Youth Cash/The Monthly Payouts Review, if you have any questions or have had any experience with this program please leave your comments below.
Take care,
It certainly surprises me how many people spend so much time trying to scam others. You would think if they spent that time doing something legit they may get somewhere with making money for themselves and helping others do the same.
At the end of you post you show a real opportunity Wealthy Affiliate, which is excellent for anyone looking for an online business.
I know what you mean Travis, these scammers just never give up. They only seem motivated to make a quick buck and aren’t willing to spend the time building a legitimate business. Building a site like The youth Cash doesn’t take long, the site has just 5 pages, including the contact, login and register pages. I think this is why they do it, they don’t need to do much work.
Building a real online business takes time and hard work, but can be very rewarding. In my opinion, it’s definitely worth putting in the effort.
All the best,
I loved this review Peter. I actually fell for one of these clicking sites about 4 years ago. i have done several surveys, annoyed my friends to click my links for $20 a click with no understanding how it would actually get me money. Of course I later gave up when I reached $1000 and couldn’t get them to pay out. I ended up with several viruses and what not and had to completely wipe my entire laptop! UGH! I am so lucky to have found wealthy affiliate back in 2014… It has changed my life.
Thank you for the awesome in depth review of this arbitrary scam!
– Chris
Hi Chris,
Sorry to hear that you wasted your time with one of these clicking schemes. Many people still seem to get caught by these scams, they make it all seem so easy on their sales pages. But it’s the old case of easy money for doing very little, which of course doesn’t exist, alas! Surveys are another way of earning money but you spend so much time earning a few cents, in my opinion, it’s not worth the effort. Having your laptop infected is really annoying probably worse than all the time you wasted.
So pleased you found a reputable platform and if you have been with Wealthy Affiliate since 2014, you must be very satisfied with them and hopefully, you are seeing some good results.
Best of luck,
Thank you for the awesome review on your website, there are so many scams online today. People appreciate people like you sharing about programs which are a scam, like myself, I have been scammed too often online and I am hesitant to take the risks again with many opportunities I find.
How do you find out if these programs are scams for sure, do you yourself try them? I am just wondering how people can tell which websites are scams and which ones are not.
Hi Jeff,
Glad you found my review useful. Before risking any money in any of these schemes you should always do your research and look for complaints online. Of course, if the program is new like Monthly Payouts you won’t find any complaints, in this case, you have to consider the program and see how it works. If they offer easy money for doing next to nothing, as in this case, then you can be sure it’s a scam. You only need to think about it logically and ask yourself how they can pay you this money? It’s clear they can’t, this site doesn’t earn any money so clearly they can’t pay out these large sums, it’s just not sustainable.
Where possible I like to try a program myself, with this one I registered as a member just to see how it worked. However, with all the other sites that use the same system and the many complaints online I didn’t actually try and get people to click on my link. The last thing I want is to bring people to this scam.
Thanks for your comment,
I heard these guys are like street hustlers. They’ll open up a little shop, then gather enough people then bounce and open up another one with a different name. Since it’s so easy to set up their business online, now there are so many of these websites and businesses luring bunch of people. But I guess it workes for them since they keep multiplying..
Hi Joon,
Thanks for your visit and I like your comparison to street hustlers. It’s so easy to set up a business like this, a website with just a few pages, no real content, a matter of a couple of hours to have everything done and online. As they’re still going and producing new sites it means they are still getting new members. At least, this isn’t the worst scam around, you don’t lose any money unless you reply to some of the offers in the emails or phone calls you receive. Still very annoying to waste your time.
I’d never heard of this one, but pleased I hadn’t come across it. I just think it’s crazy that these companies can get away with stuff like this – often for some considerable time considering they are a complete and total scam. Good that you’re pointing people in the right direction, as far as legitimate sites go.
This is a different sort of scam, the biggest thing you lose is your time. I agree with you that it’s a shame these companies can keep going for ages, but the authorities go after the biggest scams which is quite normal but doesn’t make you feel any better if you’ve been ripped off by a program like The Youth Cash. I hope these reviews may help some people to avoid these scams, however with this particular program today the name is The Monthly Payouts tomorrow who knows what name they will invent.
Thanks for your visit,
Receiving $5 per click on an affiliate link alone sounds fishy. There’s no way any company would pay this amount for clicks that probably won’t convert very often.
I’m glad you exposed this scam for what it is. Hopefully people will find this review before wasting their time getting scams and having to remove viruses.
Hi Alec,
Yes it does look fishy recieving $5 per click when you know about these things. But to someone just starting in the make money online niche, this may seem possible. I think many people have the impression that making money online is easy when they start, so even if something looks like an obvious scam to you and me it’s still worth warning them about it. People must get into the habit of researching a make money online program before investing their money.
Thanks for stopping by,
Hi Peter,
It continues to amaze me how so many of these totally bogus online money-making opportunities continue to pop up all over the Internet. Actually I know the answer having done many reviews of these scams myself – it’s because there still are naive people out there desperate for money and who will try any get-rich-quick scheme that exists.
Regarding the site(s) that you attempted to review in this great article, what a dead-give away that the opportunity is 100% bogus when you were re-directed a few times away from sites that had gone belly-up and probably quickly.
I’ve also done analysis of surveys, having participated in them in the past. Naive people think that they can make a living based solely on doing surveys daily. The unfortunate fact is that except for one that I am aware of – Yougov – you have to qualify and fit a specific demographic that the survey designers were after. Once you don’t fit that demographic, you get disqualified and with that there is zero opportunity to make even one penny.
Your giving this scam online money making opportunity a zero is quite appropriate for just how fraudulent that it is.
Hi Jeff,
As you say there is no end to the false make money online opportunities, I have read some reports that say the scams outnumber the legitimate programs by between 40 and 50 to 1. As long as there are people ready to try the get rich quick schemes the scams will always exist. As you’re used to reviewing these type of sites yes, it’s an obvious scam but for the desperate this will seem to be a good way to make a few hundred dollars.
I agree with you about surveys usually a complete waste of time. Yougov is a site that I’m not familiar with, I’ll check it out.
Thanks for your comment Jeff,