Paid Social Media Jobs Review – Is this another job scam?

Product: Paid Social Media JobsPaid Social Media Jobs logo
Overall Ranking:  40 out of 100 or 2/5 stars
Price:  $47 – comes down to $27 when you click to leave
Owner: Unknown


Paid Social Media Jobs (PSMJ) claim they are the leading provider of training for social media managers and they also provide a database of social media jobs for different skill levels. They have been online since 2012.

The idea sounds good, bringing together employers who need help with social media and people looking to earn a little extra money.

The person behind the program is probably John Wai an IT Engineer. Previously, he had another site Slick Social Media Jobs, but there is no “about us” page which is already a negative point.

In my review, I will see if “messing around with Facebook” is really a good way of earning money and discover if the PSMJ program works as planned.


What is Paid Social Media Jobs?

With people now looking on the internet, when they want to make a purchase or when they need information, social media has become one of the places people look for advice or knowledge from friends, peers or groups. Businesses that before relied on traditional marketing, which was often expensive,  now realize that they cannot afford to overlook social media marketing which is quite low cost.

Many business owners don’t know how or haven’t the time to create a social media presence and have even less idea of how to augment their sales or promote their brand.

This is where PSMJ come in. They connect their members, who are hopefully social media savvy, to the companies that are searching for someone to run their social media presence.

They use a video clip from Fox News to promote the program and also to try and give it some legitimacy. The video is about social media jobs and has nothing to do with PSMJ specifically.

YouTube video

Who is this for?

This is for people who ideally have a good knowledge of social media. Of course, PSMJ say that you don’t need any experience to get started, but how will you manage to convince someone to employ you if you are not familiar with the workings of Facebook, Twitter or Google+, to name just three of the social media networks.

Yes, there is some training to get you started, however personally before posting as a social media manager I would require some more complete training.

If you already have some expertise in social media marketing, then you don’t need to sign up for this program. You can find a job yourself by searching online.


Pros and Cons


  • Social media managers are real, legitimate jobs
  • Some training provided
  • 60-day guarantee


  • Much of the training and information can be found for free online
  • You are given the impression that it’s easy
  • Hype, inflated earnings examples
  • No real jobs offered, just links to other sites with job ads
  • You don’t need to pay to find these jobs
  • Very competitive market with competition from Asian and eastern European countries


Social Media Training

You are recommended to complete the four training modules before you start trying to find work.

Module 1

This is really just a brief introduction, that explains why businesses are looking for social media managers like you.

The main points are that to obtain a client you will have to:

  • Understand what they want
  • Appreciate what they need
  • Calm their fears

Module 2

Gives you an idea of the type of jobs you will have to do when starting as a social media freelancer:

  • Setting up social profiles
  • Create a following or audience (getting likes on Facebook, followers on Twitter, etc)

Although they give you an idea of the jobs you might be doing when starting, I was expecting some training. In the first two modules no training!

Module 3

In this module you are told:

  • Which type of businesses are looking for social media managers
  • The businesses that have a good social media presence
  • How to find your social media clients – from the PSMJ database
  • How much you can expect to earn – $50 to $200 per project when starting, up to $50000 per year

Module 4 Advanced Training

Finally, in this module there is some training. Much of the training is quite general and not high quality, while some is quite useful and would help someone who has no knowledge of social media to get started.

You are also given a proposal document that could be useful and different documents, for example, email swipes exhorting the virtues of social media and placing you as an expert. These could help you acquire clients.

Overall, most of the training you could find online for free. For example, to create your resume or CV, there is a form from, you could do this yourself for free. Paid Social Media Jobs don’t give you any extra advice on completing your resume.

It’s a shame they don’t start the training with writing your resume and take it step by step from there, showing examples of how you would go about managing a social media account for a business. I must admit I was disappointed with the training.

They also give training for affiliate marketing and promoting a ClickBank product. For this purpose they have a wide selection of PLR reports to give away to prospective clients of the product you promote. I must have missed something, but I joined this program to learn social media marketing.

job database

I think they should concentrate on the training they advertise and try to improve it, rather than branching out into other areas.


Finding a job

The Paid Social Media Job Database is a complete disappointment. All you obtain is a list of sites like Elance, Freelancer, ODesk or Flexjobs.

They do provide a list of some of the latest jobs posted on a few of the sites, but if not you will have to search for yourself.

Obviously, you could find all these jobs on your own without paying to join PSMJ.


Questionable Partners

Apparently, they have two partner sites, which are promoted in emails from PSMJ. and which are both considered either scams or a complete waste of money.

partners of PSMJ

What kind of site would promote a known scam site as in paid-surveys-at-home. This is almost enough for me to think PSMJ could be a scam.


How much does this cost?

PSMJ costs $47 with a downsell when you leave the site to $27. The price is for a lifetime membership.

Once you have joined there is an upsell for another course Social Media Arbitrage at $37. You are told you can earn three times as much doing social media jobs, but without doing any of the work. When I clicked on a link to say I wasn’t interested I was still taken to a payment page.

There is a 60 day, ClickBank guarantee.


My final opinion

This program teaches you some of what you need to know to earn money online as a social media manager, which is a legitimate job. Although I wouldn’t call Paid Social Media Jobs a scam, I don’t recommend joining.

  • It’s possible to find free social media marketing courses online that offer more information than PSMJ
  • The job database on this site is available for free
  • Can a site that promotes a survey site that requires a payment to complete surveys be considered serious

Consequently, if you can find free training and job opportunities online, why pay to join this site.

If you are already skilled in social media marketing, search the job boards, or alternatively, you could advertise your services on Fiverr or SEO Clerks.

Verdict: Not recommended

Below is a chart comparing the PSMJ to my recommended online training program. With this program you will not be told you will start making money in just a few days as with Paid Social Media Jobs, you are told the truth. Perhaps not what you want to hear, but the truth nonetheless – making money online takes time and hard work. This is where I was trained and I can say that Wealthy Affiliate provides really complete internet marketing training.


Wealthy Affiliate vs Paid Social Media Jobs
FeaturesPaid Social Media Jobs
Is it easy to get help?
Private coaching available?
Can you Contact the Owners?
Is there a live chat?
Is there step-by-step training?
Are free websites included?
Is web hosting included?
Can you try for free?
Is there a keyword research tool?
Is there an affiliate program?
Do I recommend this?No
My Overall Rating50/100

I hope you enjoyed my Paid Social Media Jobs review and if you have ever had any experience with this site, or have any questions, I would love your feedback.



  1. Kaitlin Hutchcroft July 18, 2018
    • Peter July 23, 2018
  2. Minhaj May 30, 2017
    • Peter May 30, 2017
  3. Chris May 19, 2016
    • Peter May 23, 2016
  4. Brandon December 9, 2015
    • Peter December 9, 2015
  5. adam November 24, 2015
    • Peter November 25, 2015
  6. Todd October 6, 2015
    • Peter October 13, 2015
  7. Gina September 15, 2015
    • Peter September 15, 2015
  8. Karl Lambert September 15, 2015
    • Peter September 23, 2015
  9. Stephen Mcgouran September 15, 2015
    • Peter September 15, 2015

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