If you’re thinking about joining Countdown To Profits, it’s a good job you did a little research. This is yet another scheme that promises easy money without giving you any information on what you will be doing.
Is it really possible to earn money as quickly and as easily as they tell us? In my opinion, it isn’t. If you become a member of this program, the only people who will become any richer are the owners of the program.
Read on to see why in my opinion, I think this is a scam.
Product: Countdown To Profits
Overall Ranking: 0 out of 100 or 0/5 stars
Price: $97 with downsell to $77
Owner: Richard Paul??
Website: countdowntoprofits.com
Paid $500 to Watch the Video!
When you give Countdown to Profits (CTP) your email address, you are taken to a video presentation. You’re told the video is 500 seconds long, and for every second you watch, you are going to get a dollar. If you don’t follow till the end, you won’t get anything. Sounds like a good deal!
Of course, after you have watched the entire video, you learn that you will only get your $500 if you pay and try the system. Then if you don’t make any commissions in 30 days, they will pay you.
The bottom line, they just want your money; you will never see the $500 when you don’t make any sales!
Who is Richard Paul? 
Apparently, the owner of this program is Richard Paul. This is the same name associated with a couple of binary options scams, Stark Trading System and Profit Stackers System. I don’t know if Mr. Paul really exists, but the same person appears in all 3 videos, so it’s almost certainly an actor.
They use the same screenshots to justify the earnings in all 3 programs. Also, some of the same photos in the testimonials.
To cap it all, in the CTP video, Richard even refers to using Profit Stackers to make the money he shows us on his bank statement.
For me, this is enough to say this is a scam. However, I will have a deeper look to see what other red flags are included in the program. This might help you to avoid other scams in the future!
What is Countdown To Profits?
After watching the sales video, you have no idea of how you will earn money.
Richard tells you the story of how one of his childhood friends has come across an algorithm that allows him to make lots of commissions.
You hear plenty about how much money you can make, but nothing about what you need to do to make money.
When you join, you’re going to get some training, payment processing, software, and advertising. That’s all you know!
In addition, you will also have access to what Richard calls a “millionaire mentor”. This is someone who is meant to coach you to make sure you receive your first commission within 30 days. But in reality, will be trying to get as much money out of you as possible, by selling you other products or training.
Richard does make allusions to paying a tiny hosting fee. But it’s impossible to know if you will be required to set up a website or not.
It’s only in the terms of service (ToS) that you finally get some idea of what you may be doing.
So, depending on your membership level, it looks like you will be:
- Building a website and selling digital products
- Building an e-commerce store
It would be much better if this was made clear in the video and if they gave some examples of their training. If this is a legitimate opportunity, what have they got to hide?
To be successful with either of these businesses will require a lot of work, and you won’t earn anything on autopilot. You will need to take massive action, and then you might earn something in a few months.
The truth is, this is a funnel to another make-money online program MOBE (My Online Business Empire), a program that sells high-ticket memberships. To earn money, you will have to sell these expensive memberships to others.
To make money promoting these memberships, you will first have to invest in the different membership levels. This could end up costing you many thousands of dollars!
Different Membership Levels
There are 3 different memberships which suggests there will be extra costs later. Although, you qualify as a Gold member by paying the membership fee of $97 and the Platinum level if you include your telephone number. To become a Platinum Plus member, there are probably upsells after you have paid your initial membership fee.
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
You are given the impression that there is a solid 30-day guarantee with Countdown To Profits.
In the video, Richards says if you follow the training and don’t make a commission in 30 days, they will pay you the $500 you earned for watching the video!
However, take a look at the conditions in the purchase agreement below, and you will see getting your $500 will be very difficult or near impossible.
Including conditions like this means they have no intention of paying you the $500. They will always find a reason not to pay you.
12 Red Flags or Reasons Not To Get Involved With CTP:
- You have no idea of what you are paying for or what you will be doing
- The “owner,” Richard Paul, is the same person associated with 2 other scams. One of these binary options scams is mentioned in the CTP video, by accident due to an error in editing.
- Programs that offer individual coaches like the “millionaire mentors” are usually after more details on your financial situation, in order to sell some more useless training. This should certainly not be considered an advantage but something that could cost you dearly.
- Probably upsells after you have paid. In the ToS, they mention subscription payments and additional product purchases. This means there are probably upsells for products with recurring payments.
- The TOS explains that they are not offering a business opportunity. Strange, I must have got the wrong idea from the video!
- Nothing but hype in the sales video, yet in their earnings disclaimer, they insist they don’t do hype!
- The income disclaimer above is in total contradiction to everything that is implied in the video.
- Photos associated with testimonials can be found on many other sites.
This photo is found on more than 20 sites, so is clearly a stock photo.
- Countdown To Profits are even stupid enough to use the same photo twice on their site but with different names.
- Pressure tactics, there are only a few places available in your region.
- Dishonest sales tactics, a promise of $500 if you try the system and follow the steps. CTP will always find reasons not to pay you. On the other hand, you will probably have to fork out more money to follow the training and build your site or store.
- Price $97 with a downsell to $77 when you click to leave the payment page. This will probably just be your first payment. By the time you have your site online, you have no idea how much the total cost might be. Not a good idea to join any program without knowing how much money you are expected to cough up. CTP should make this clear!
My Final Opinion
After seeing all the reasons not to get involved with Countdown To Profits, obviously, I don’t recommend this program. They may offer some training, but unless you really dig into their Terms of Service, you will have no idea of what you’re signing up for, and even then, everything is very vague. This is enough to say you should avoid this program.
They promise you will earn commissions on autopilot. Earning money online, from a website or store, is hard work and requires time and determination. Make sure you know what you’re buying before you get out your credit card!
In this case, you will be joining MOBE, a program where you risk losing thousands!
Don’t believe the hype from Countdown To Profits. If you want an online business, there are much better training programs.
Programs that:
- Will teach you how to build an online business
- Give you a free trial, so you can see what you will be doing
- Won’t give you any hype. Building a business is down to you. Work hard with persistence, and you will be successful
- Have excellent 24/7 support
- Have a monthly fee that includes everything you need, so there are no surprises
If you were tricked into trying Countdown To Profits, please tell us about your experience. Did they honor the guarantee? Did they pay the $500 after you didn’t make a sale? How much did it cost to get everything set up?
I know you might feel stupid, but you are not the only one. Many of us have been caught by scams much like this. Sharing with others might help stop other people from making the same mistake.
Thanks Peter, almost paid $97. But than decided read yours and others comments. Thanks for my savings.
Glad you saved your money Pramod!
Having been scammed by MOBE, this certainly carries the stench of another MOBE rip-off. What clued us into MOBE’s tactics was the “coach” selling us the moon and the man on it and more. This head MOBE clown sits in international hide-outs and dreams this garbage up at your expense. At least we didn’t buy the Brooklyn Bridge again but did get our money back from MOBE by approaching our bank with reviews like yours. Thanks for being a genuine watchdog. We learned that most financial institutions will refund your bucks if a legitimate claim is made.
Hi Jay,
Yes, it looks like this is a funnel to MOBE, who as you say promise great things. I have just written another review about another program that is a funnel to MOBE but it was more obvious than this one. Glad to hear you got your money back even if you did have to go through your bank. Thanks for sharing it may give others some hope!
Other items that point to it being a scam are that you are directed to that pages when you click on “type from home for $27 an hour” adds, and if you go to leave the page you get a $20 discount offer
I agree Donna, downsells like this are often a sign of a scam.
Thanks for your comment,
You are absolutely right! This is actually terrible! I’m not sure how people can be this dishonest, and it is upsetting because not all of us can see it through. I used to be very naive and assumed everybody is telling the truth… Thank God I never got involved with these companies but I know some people did. They are not happy now…Thank you for your report. People need to be informed so they won’t fall to this rubbish.
Thank you for your effort here!
You’re right Timea, these people still trap some unsuspecting newbies to online marketing. Before people sign up to these schemes they must check online for reviews, it’s the best way to avoid the scams.
All the best,
I think Countdown to Profits is a front for the sinister MOBE, otherwise known as My Online Business Empire. MOBE hides behind dozens of different names online.
The compelling evidence that they are actually MOBE is the 21 steps they expect you to complete. That is typical of MOBE.
That so-called $500 guarantee is nothing but the promise to give you back a little of your money if you complete all 21 steps. Each step costs you more money.
And don’t be fooled by the so-called mentors. They are not mentors! They are salespeople who will sell you on the next level.
Hi Gary,
Yes, it looks like this is a front for MOBE. It’s certainly something to steer clear of. The “mentor” trick is something that is used by many programs. The mentors are good salespeople without scruples, out to get as much as possible from their unsuspecting victims.
If I didn’t read your review, I would have probably tried it. Most of us will since people are looking more and more for secondary income through online business. One will not know all these until one has been trapped, I guess. It’s crystal clear you won’t get back the $500 since there are so many steps you need to perform. I’ve learned another thing also from this review – Pressure tactics are definitely scam then. It makes sense now. You will feel pressured to try it and they claim they’ll pay you back if you don’t make a sale in 30 days time. So many things to be aware of. Great article.
Hi Snow White,
Yes, we certainly become warier after we have been scammed a few times. For a newbie Countdown To Profits would be very tempting, the $500 for watching the video, the guarantee, the testimonials… makes it seem almost genuine. The pressure tactics are often a sign of a scam although even genuine internet marketers might use some form of pressure tactics (this price may never be seen again or this may never be offered again) But the difference between the two is that the genuine program will always give you details of what you will be doing to make money. For me, that’s the first thing to look for when you are considering an online make money online program.
Many thanks,
Hi there! I have just read read your review for countdown to profits and just wanted to say thanks for sharing. I have seen this product advertised a few times before and wondered what it was all about. I’m quite glad I didn’t bother sitting through the sales video now as I gather I wouldn’t really be any the wiser!
I hate these products that simply target newcomers into believing they are going o make a fortune. And that thing where they say they will pay you for watching the video! Whats all that about? Does anyone actually think they will get paid for watching a sales video? Crazy!
Thanks for the post!
Hi Andrew,
That’s right you could have spent some time watching the video and you still wouldn’t know what this program was all about. CTP just promise you will make money using their system but you have to go through their terms of service just to get a vague idea of what you will be doing. It’s a shame but I’m sure the $500 for watching the video trick still attracts some people. We all like to imagine it’s possible to get something for nothing!
Thanks for your visit,
Ive just found your site peter as im researching wealthy affiliates ive still got lots to read yet but just wanted to say it is so encouraging to find sites like yours full of knowledge and genuine help the reason I had to stop to email u though is I’m actually laughing out loud !! I have just read ur Not recommend on Richard Paul’s scams an the girl with the blue hair stock photo who appeared twice but with different names really amused me ,anyway I’m going to plough through all ur advice but just wanted to say thanks .I have found a few sites and blogs like urs that are helping me gain the confidence an knowledge to embark on making money online I am pleasantly surprised at the amount of genuine help there is thanks again. P.Holt
If you’re thinking of starting an online business there are a few genuine platforms that provide good training. However, in my opinion, Wealthy Affiliate is the most complete, up to date and the best value for money.
Sometimes these sites that are out to scam us seem to be put together so quickly they make some really stupid, although amusing, mistakes. This photo is one such case.
You’re right there are quite a few sites around that are ready to help people avoid the scams and point them in the direction of genuine programs. The trouble is there are also affiliate marketers that are ready to promote anything just to make a few dollars, so you still need to be careful.
Anyway, I’m delighted you found my site useful and I wish you every success if you decide to build your own online business.