Too Damn Easy Cash Gifting Review

Product: Too Damn Easytoodamneasy postcard
Overall Ranking: 5 out of 100 or 0.25/5 stars
Price: different entry levels $2000, $6000 or $18000
Owner: Q


Cash Gifting has been around for many years and that’s the system Too Damn Easy (TDE) uses to make money for their members. In this review, we’ll see if TooDamnEasy is a scam and if Cash Gifting in legal. If you are not sure what Cash Gifting is read on.


The sales video

This was simply the worst sales video I have seen. For 15 minutes Q “the cash gifting expert” (whoever he is) talks about a pile of $60000 in cash and then counts the 100 dollar bills to prove it’s $60000. In fact, the video ends and all he has done is talk about money and how nice it is to buy anything you want when you want. I have read some reviews that say the video is very effective, for me it was painful to watch till the end.


Who is Q?

Q is the mysterious person behind TDE, but not knowing someone’s real name doesn’t build trust. In fact, it creates the opposite effect, someone who doesn’t disclose their real name has something to hide. So already the warning lights are starting to flash.


What is Too Damn Easy?

TDE is a system to make money. Basically, you pay to become a member and then you must recruit  other members to receive money.


Who is it for?

Normally I would say this is for anyone who wants to make money online, but with this system the starting price is $2000. So, if you can afford to lose $2000 and if you are ready to take part in a system that is perhaps illegal, then this could be for you.


What is Cash Gifting?

Put simply Cash Gifting (also known as Cash Leveraging) is the act of giving another person a declared sum of cash. The cash is given purely as a gift without any persuasion or discussion.

It’s called cash gifting because it is nothing more than a gift of cash. There is no business activity, products to sell or multi level marketing.


Is Cash Gifting Legal?

Although Cash Gifting schemes are often called pyramid schemes, many people have the impression that they are legitimate. People think they will make money from the system so they are more easily convinced that gifting is legal.

The IRS says you can gift up to $14000 without paying taxes. But there are some ground rules that have to be followed, the main one being you don’t receive the full amount in return. Some schemes use these tax rules to make their programs seem legal, however the IRS tax code only determines how taxes are applied. They don’t decide if the way you make money is legal or not.

If a Cash Gifting system is a pyramid scheme then it is illegal. The FTC considers a pyramid scheme to be:FTC pyramid scheme def

This is what the Attorney General of Michigan said about Cash Gifting.

TooDamnEasy cash gifting illegal Attorney General Michigan

The Bureau of Consumer Protection says this about Cash Gifting:

of consumer protection

So, according to these authorities Cash Gifting is a pyramid scheme and therefore illegal.


 Don’t get involved in something that is illegal, create a legitimate online business.


How does TDE work?

You sign up for TDE and you give away your $2000, $6000 or $18000. The system goes as follows, this is for the initial membership level of $2000red and green tubes toodamneasy or the red tube.

  • you sign up a new member $2000 goes to your sponsor
  • you are placed at the top of your own $2000 red tube
  • you sign a new member – $2000 for you
  • the next two people you sign up your sponsor gets 2x$2000
  • for future sign-ups at this level the money goes to you except every fifth payment which goes to TooDamnEasy
  • there are two other tubes – $4000 green and $12000 black that operate in a similar fashion

For the system to work there has to be new members. These new members are recruited from sending out flyers or postcards that include your referral id. The flyers and postcards are already prepared, you just have to stick a stamp and post them. You’re are also supplied with a list of leads. Apparently Q has a “list of people with cash in hand”

After that, the “Million Dollar Professional Team Leader” deals with signing up your prospects. The team leader receives a recruiting bonus and you receive your gift from the generous new referral.

All this sounds easy, although in reality, how many people you know would be ready to part with at least $2000. Here is an example of what we are expected to believe.

toodeasy example

If you give your email address to receive further information, Q sends you emails daily where he tells you he can provide you with your first enrollment so you can start receiving cash. However, to do that you have to join and give Q $2000. Not a good idea!


Pros & Cons


  • the only good point about this program that I could find is that Q says he doesn’t want you to join if you don’t fully understand everything


  • very expensive
  • a lot of hype
  • a pyramid scheme therefore illegal
  • no information on the owner Q


How much does it cost?

A great deal of money has to be paid when you join TDE. It’s hard to imagine people parting with this kind of cash, nonetheless here are the prices to join TooDamnEasy at the different levels:

  • $2000 for the cash gift + $100 team leader bonus + $300 membership fee = $2400
  • $6000 for the cash gift + $200 team leader bonus + $400 membership fee = $6600
  • $18000 for the cash gift +$300 team leader bonus + $500 membership fee = $18800
  • plus there is a level that is available by invitation only – the price is $100000 for the gift +$400 team leader bonus + $1000 membership fee = $101400!

With these prices, you get access to the system for just 6 months, so if you want to continue you will have to pay again. People who make some money would probably rejoin and therefore keep the system going for longer.


My final opinion

To be honest, I don’t know if you can make money with this scheme, but I certainly wouldn’t risk $2000+ of my hard-earned cash in a system where, just perhaps, I could make some money in a system that is illegal.

To earn anything you have to find other members using the postcards and flyers you are provided with. I have a problem imagining people being ready to put thousands of dollars into a scheme like this.

Here are some more reasons why I won’t recommend this scheme.

  1. Cash Gifting is regarded as a pyramid scheme and is therefore illegal in many countries, including the US, most of Europe, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.
  2. Too much hype. Why in systems like these do they always continually talk about how much money you will earn? It’s much more important to say what you will be doing to obtain the money.
  3. Who is Q? How can you have confidence in a system where the owner doesn’t reveal themselves.
  4. The last person in will lose his money. A system like this is not sustainable one day it will cease and then all new members will lose their money.
  5. Unethical. How can you, in all sincerity, promote a scheme that you know someday will cease functioning and then many people will lose their money.

If you do decide to join TooDamnEasy, even though Q provides you with a list of leads, you will probably have to work to find your own leads. Consider that you will be working at something illegal that could collapse at any moment.

Verdict: Not recommended


An Alternative

TooDamnEasy is definitely one of the worst schemes I have reviewed. If you are searching for a method to make money online try my #1 recommendation. You will learn how to build a sustainable internet business. It’s not easy and you will be told the truth. You won’t be told you will be making thousands of dollars doing very little work, businesses like that just don’t exist. You will also manage to sleep better at night knowing you are earning money in a way that is 100% legal.

You can see some of the advantages of Wealthy Affiliate compared to TooDamnEasy in the comparison chart below.

TDE Cash Gifting is this legal?
  • TooDamnEasy Cash Gifting Review


Description: TDE is a cash gifting scheme. You sign up and then you have recruit new members to be paid. Q the owner makes this sound very easy, but do you know someone ready to invest $2000 in a scheme like this?

Price: Different entry levels $2000, $6000 or $18000

My opinion: TooDamnEasy is a pyramid scheme and therefore is illegal. Don’t join this scheme, there are better honest ways to earn money online.



  1. Gary March 26, 2015
    • Peter March 26, 2015
  2. Todd March 24, 2015
    • Peter March 26, 2015
  3. Rufat March 15, 2015
    • Peter March 16, 2015
  4. Cathy March 15, 2015
    • Peter March 15, 2015
  5. Wayne March 14, 2015
    • Peter March 15, 2015

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